*indicates required field

Date:  02/07/2025
* Name:  
* Address:  
* Email:  


1. What product are you packaging?
 Food    Non-Food    Dry    Liquid
Description of product:
2. What type of packaging are you looking for?
 Rigid    Flexible Film    Not sure
3. Is product currently in a package?
 No - New application    Yes - describe below  
Describe current package:
4. Will the package be lidded?
 No    Overcap lid    Heat Sealed    Both
5. Will product be exposed to temperature ranges?
 Normal Room Temperature    Refrigerated    Frozen    Microwaved
6. What is the estimated annual quantity?
 less than 100,000 pcs.    100-250k pcs.    250-500k pcs.    500-1mm pcs.    over 1mm pcs.  
Other Comments/Information: